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Hey there, Yupdatschelle, Come take an adventure with me. Gaming, Hair, City life and other Random things will be part of this blog, I love food and games, but who doesn't? Stay with me folks and you will not be disappointed. the products mentioned in my blogs have been bought by myself and I am in no way paid to promote or promoting any of the products I use or mentioned in this blog.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

If it ain't broke...

Then don't fix it!

I was feeling my new growth today, not to be confused with the term "naps" and noticed something. My hair is having a "bad hair day". Man I seen it coming when I didn't set my bun with the pudding (pudding- not to be confused with gel, pudding contains more moisture base products and does what gel does but doesn't leave the drying feeling), but I thought that i could get over the fact that my hair was not cooperating this morning to be styled in an up-do, instead I opted for the high pony tail even though my pony tail is more like a bunnies tail.

I feel like its time I get my heat back, I no longer like roller setting my hair, its a pain, I no longer like using setting lotion and I strongly believe I have hard water.*sigh* what is a girl to do, I know I can heat style safely after I shampoo, I just have to use my hooded dryer to dry my hair. I can tell you one thing I can feel some breakage in my hair from the under-processed relaxer. I think, no, I know that I will relax regularly when it is time, right now I'm 7 weeks post since I did the under processing. I don't think tex-laxing is for me...so lets keep growing 

xoxox chelleshock32

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Early Shampoo...

My Wednesdays are getting more horrible as the years pass, but I need to be optimistic, so in lieu of my horrible Wednesday I treated myself and my hair.

I was sulking on my couch thinking of things to do to occupy my time. So I went to my local beauty supply store (aka: lbss) I walk in and see a beautiful standing hair dryer that is not near on sale enough for this kitchen beautician to purchase but I strolled through the isle looking for Elasta QP and some hair lotion. I came across ORS's line for hair repair, mind you I'm there to get Elasta QP, I was in need of protein for my hair. 

ORS has this line of HairRepair conditioners, and I liked the fact that they are putting in natural ingredients into their products. So I picked up the Deep Conditioning treatment, the one with Banana Extract in it as well as 6 different fingernail design paints, specifically for designing. I was only there for Hair products, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well.

So, I get home and realize that I need to clarify, since I have not purchased a good chelating-poo yet, they are expensive even if you have a job.

What are chelating-poo's you may ask, they are not clarifiers, they do more than remove product build up, they remove the mineral deposits on your hair and scalp as well as product removal. so you get a two in one. which is something I need to get. To get the short understanding of Clarifying-poo's and Chelating Poos', the Chelating is a two-for and the Clarify is just the one. So I clarified, which only removes product build up as I briefly mentioned.

I was walking to my bedroom to get started and noticed that I will be going back to heat free for short stint, because of my Graduation!!! yay!!! and my life after undergrad is slow motion. I did a clarifying poo got the the Hair Repair from ORS, and man it smells sooooooo delicious and I love it!!!! I hope the other products smell the same. I got these from ORS in the mail the other day and I was too excited about that and hopeful too.

THE EXPERIENCE: The deep conditioning treatment was like a spa treatment, but at home, it was thick and had the smell of the tropics and bananas, just yummy smelling all together. after the cool water rinse I was not only able to run my fingers through my hair without any comb out, but it looked so smooth and soft. mind you most of ORS treatments have some type of protein in it. Did I mention that it smelled delicious? Smelled yummy in fact. This had hydrolyzed wheat proteins in the mix, but it gave my hair the right amount of protein. I then proceeded to set my hair for an air dry in a low ponytail and put my scarf on the top of my head before bed to give me my flat look, I M & S right after I rinse so I know I'm locking in double the moisture when I apply coconut oil. 

I also bought a book "Hair Rehab," and I'm just reading it so far but it talks about conditioning step in taking care of your hair and getting it back into shape. Mostly conditioning and which one is best for your hair to get it back in proper shape, I will be doing the "detox" soon. Shout out to Ms Audry Davis-Sivasothy for creating the hair care bibles, I needed them. 

Check them out to learn more about your hair care and what you should know about how you treat it. Treat is well and it will well treat you.

xoxo chelleshock32

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Accidental Length Check...

Happy Easter to all my readers!!!

Saturday was a shampoo day, I decided that I was going to blow dry and flat iron my hair for the holiday. I never thought that I would do a length check about this time of the month but I did one by accident. I even had my babygirl take the photos...

I do think that it was the healthy hair habits that I have been doing for the past three months as well as adding a growth aid, Gro Aut. I think this is pivotal I just had to share it with all of you as well as document it. 

Also, I'm happy to say that the breakage has stopped, now that I alternate my Moisturizer as well. I have been using ORS hair lotion one week, then I do a protein based moisturizer (Organix's Split end mender) and its full of protein for the hair, enjoy the side by side length check photo...

As always xoxox chelleshock32

Friday, April 6, 2012

Gro Aut...

Well, its been the first week of using my growth aid, Gro Aut. I can tell you that I absolutely love the smell of the oil that is in the bottle. It smells a little like patchouli and I love that smell.I bought it on March 15th on myfasthairgrowth.com and I received it on March 24th. I purchased 1 oz  for a total if 9.99, which includes the cost for shipping. Apparently there was an issue with the shipping process, but I didn't sweat it.

I finished my months regimen for March and thought, "hmm, maybe I should add in this oil to my scalp treatment. I don't oil my scalp often because I M & S every other day now. So, I oiled my scalp with Gro Aut this week, and I can tell you it does give me the crawlies in the center part of my scalp. and I do a 10 minute massage as well with the oil.

I really liked the fact that it was pleasant to the smell and not very heavy at all. I'm optimistic since I will only be using this twice a week throughout April. I do hope the bottle I have last the whole month. I will post pictures of this product on another day.

I will not be doing a length check until relaxer time May 5th and I don't think that I will textlax either, eh we'll see what happens too early to tell :)

as always

xoxox chelleshock32

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Goals.

My Goals for April are almost the same, here they are:

1. Moisturize and Seal every other day (here's that modification I was talking about)
2. Take fish oil and multi vitamin once a day. I slacked off a lot this last month.
3. Co-wash twice a week. I met this last month because of my exercise schedule.
4. Add in Growth Aid. I picked Gro Aut. I ordered some last month to test and see if it will speed up my growth.

There it is, simple and plain....

March Goals in review...

Well March came and went like a hurricane, I can tell you it was trying but I stuck to it. Well, most of it

1. Moisturize and Seal every night.

I managed to meet this goal but noticed that my Hair felt weighted down with nightly M & S'ing, there will be a slight modification to this

2. Take Biotin twice a day

Taking this supplement caused my skin to flare in acne breakouts, so I had to stop it mid-March, so I will no longer be taking biotin in high doses. 

3. Wear hair up (mostly french rolls cause my hair is shorter now)

I wore my hair in a bun so this was a success!

4. Scalp Massages with Grape Seed Oil for 10 minutes a night

I'm thinking that my hair no longer likes Grape seed oil, I still have a bit of breakage so, I will be going back to Coconut Oil. Plus it just smells better to me.

5. Co-Wash, Co-Wash, Co-Wash... That's three Co-Washes per week, since I started working out more

I didn't really meet this goal as I liked to, because I was trying to get rid of that Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. but I can tell you the times that I did co-wash with it, I noticed a difference in my hair maybe just the use of it for the month is changing my mind. I still have a ton left so I will use it till its gone!!!