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Hey there, Yupdatschelle, Come take an adventure with me. Gaming, Hair, City life and other Random things will be part of this blog, I love food and games, but who doesn't? Stay with me folks and you will not be disappointed. the products mentioned in my blogs have been bought by myself and I am in no way paid to promote or promoting any of the products I use or mentioned in this blog.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hair-ducation: Session 1, Topic: Vegetable Glycerin

Vegetable Glycerin...

It has many uses in my educational research for proper hair care, I've found at least three ways to use Vegetable Glycerin. I'll name them

New Growth Moisturizer (hair)
Cleanser (face)
Toothpaste (can you believe that?!?!?)

I have been reading so many articles on vegetable glycerin that I think that I'm ready to try a couple of experiments and find the mix that will work for the ultimate summer moisturizer. I live in the Midwest and there are plenty of humid days in the city, in fact humidity stays at about 60-78 percent in the recent days. Which is perfect for adding vegetable glycerin to your hair care arsenal. I have relaxed hair, so its wonderful during my stretch, it can also be used on natural hair and used while you have braids.

Vegetable Glycerin is a humectant, which means it works very well when moisture is around by becoming a magnet attracting humid/moisture in the air/surroundings. Vegetable glycerin will pull in moisture into the hair shaft creating a moisture home for the hair to keep on thriving, you should now know your hair can not thrive on protein products along, there is always some form of moisture that you will use. In my case I need lots of moisture. You can decide on your personal needs. Below is my spritz that I have been using after the shower. Why after the shower? Remember Vegetable glycerin is a humectant and will draw in moisture to the hair. The steam from the shower actually gets pulled into my hair allowing more moisture to get into the hair shaft. LOVE IT!

***I do have to advise that if you live in dry climates and have no Moisture in your air, the vegetable glycerin will work in reverse and draw in dry air making your hair loose moisture***

hydrating glycerin hair spray recipe:
  • 1 part of pure vegetable glycerin
  • 5 parts of spring water
Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well. Spritz on hair after showering. 

As far as a face cleanser this is what I found to work on my skin and has been making it glow. I love the fact that it has not caused an acne breakout on my face. I use this during a pamper shower day which I have every shampoo day

 glycerin mask for a dry and dehydrated skin:
  • 1 tsp glycerin
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp milk (i used condensed milk)
  • 1 tsbp spring water
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal
Mix well. Apply to clean face for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Toothpaste, the third way I have used it, I had to mix it with other things but found that it had the same effects as my regular toothpaste. Well I still have my teeth to say the least :D I ran out of toothpaste and this is what I came up with... 
Homemade glycerin toothpaste recipe:
  • 2 tbsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp pure vegetable glycerin
  • 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide
  • a few drops of your favourite essential oil (I use peppermint.).
Mix the ingredients well. Store in a small bowl. I used the mini glad bowls, my teeth get the whitening power and they feel great. 
What are some ways that you have found multiple uses for products that you have in your stash?
 I'm so glad I found you Vegetable glycerin :D

***Coming Soon: Heat Free Curls Photo series***
Happy Hair Adventures
xoxox Chelleshock32

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hair Randomness 2.0...

I know its been a while since I last blogged about my hair adventures, I have no excuses though, I have literally been busy. 

I missed my shampoo day last Saturday, I had a family gathering to go to this past weekend, and it was fun bonding with my Big Brother while watching the Mayweather/Cotto Fight, which was awesome by the way.

So I shampoo'd Wednesday, I'm finally done with HE Hello Hydration and boy am I glad about that. I used Aphogee Deep Moisturizing Shampoo this time and when I shampoo'd my hair in the shower it didn't give it that squeaky clean feeling, which I really don't like having since I have been sulfate free in my shampoo's, except this one. I also had to dust (dust is less than a trim type of hair cut) my ends, I found my first split end on Monday and I just put it off till Wednesday.

Experience: Aphogee Moisturizing shampoo, is thin in consistency and has the smell of the salon. (ya'll know what a hair salon smells like) it lathers well after the 2nd time if you do three shampoo's. After the Shampoo I could feel my hair feeling like hair, not like mush which I often experience when shampooing in the shower. (it may be the product being shampoo'd out, I am heavy handed when it comes to M & S-ing) So I finished my rinse and then I noticed something one side of my hair, my right side, felt rough to touch, like it was very frizzy in the shower after the shampoo, I don't understand that. I then applied Roux Porosity and then DC'd with Elasta QP DPR-11+, then cool water rinsed. my Hair still felt as though it had moisture but there was this right side of my hair that felt frizzy to touch. I then towel blot my hair, its still not dry, stopped to look at my hair it looked nice on the left side. but horribly short and frizzy on the right side. After my first trim  my ends looked like that I wonder if it has something to do with the actual scissors. But my hair still felt like hair should feel not overly soft and mushy to the touch. I applied my leave-ins and did a two strand twist out on my hair, which looks fabo today. I have it pushed to the side for some added style. I think I will try and maintain the style for a couple more days. I overall liked the shampoo I can see its usage being very high as it is a moisture based product. 

It was my first shampoo since I got rid of that awful Hello Hydration from Herbal Essences. but I think my hair may need a moisture break. The reason I say this is because it took a really long time for my hair to air dry. What does that mean, well it means that the hair is holding moisture like never before which is a good thing but it took a long time to air dry. I'm ok with that,it was just an observation and I would say that its a tell-tell sign that you are doing the right thing, but add some protein, this weekend I plan to co-wash and to a Keratin Treatment, which I will tell you all about in my next entry.

Hair buys this week:
Wild Growth Oil 
straight hair pins
large wig clips

Happy Hair Adventures
xoxo Chelleshock32

Friday, May 4, 2012

Relaxer #2

I decided to relax last night,I actually had time to do it after my daughter got her hair braided. Her hair has gotten so long, I would say her hair is MBL (Mid Back Length) when straightened, and APL (arm pit length) when her tight curl is loose. my hair is flirting with SL (Shoulder Length) and into CBL (Collarbone Length)....but I'm happy with my progress :)

Relaxer #2
*All Products have been purchased by myself.*


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Tale of Two DC’s (Deep Conditioner’s)

A Tale of Two DC’s (Deep Conditioner’s)

I am on the hunt for the two best Deep Conditioner’s; one for moisture and one for protein. Let me explain why use two separate ones in the first place. Hair needs the both of these to thrive as well as grow longer. To the hair novice, like yours truly, doesn’t even know how to DC (Deep Condition) and let alone the reason for it. To reach healthier hair heights you have to assess your ability to retain moisture, so that hair doesn’t snap off and break thus making a cycle of short hair that is not healthy.

As I have been reading the hair forums, hair blogs and hair books; I found that the more moisture you give your hair the more it will stay on your head and the hair needs moisture, think of it like a garden and the garden needs to grow and thrive to become greener and lush. Well hair is much like that. Gardens also get special treatments such as herbal growth to supplement its growth as well as regular trimmings and weeding. Your hair is your garden; you should tend to it regularly with DC’s.

     DC’s are the hair’s way of keeping the growth and ending the snapping cycle, which is better known as Breakage. Breakage occurs when there is no moisture in the hair or from rough handling, since rough handling happens at times why not reduce the breakage by adding the easier one by DC-ing the hair. This is not only a step in prevention of dry hair but it enhances your chances in gaining the hair goal you want.  I found out by accident that I like to DC because it decreases comb-out and breakage for me, the hardest part was finding a DC that I really loved. My goal was to find a product that allows maximum slip.
What is “Slip”, slip in the hair care world is the characteristic of how the hair feels when you finger comb or comb the hair with the product of your choice. Slip in products allow the hair to move freely without breakage when using combs, the fingers or combs actually “slip” through the hair during the conditioning process or detangling process.

Trial one was with Neutrogena Daily Deep Conditioner
This particular Conditioner left a lot of slip while I combed through to distribute in my hair. While it’s labeled to be a daily deep conditioner, if used daily it can cause serious product build up. The slip is amazing, the product is thick in consistency and it smelled good to me as well.  But this was not my main choice, I would add it to other conditioners to add slip to them but not my main DC.

Next was Elasta QP DPR-11+, Medium slip and medium to thick consistency. I like this one much more. I have been using this one for the past three months after the Neutrogena ran out and love it more because it didn’t leave my hair wanting more. A little goes a long way, you don’t need to coat with excessive product on your hair, this will make you rinse more than you want to, but to each his own. I did like this one because it gave me more moisture than ever, I sat with my heat cap on for an hour, I fell asleep using the heating cap, my hair felt amazingly hydrated, it felt like it took a big drink of water and held on to it. I will be using this product for the remainder of my hair journey.

The final one I chose was the ORS hair Mayo.

This particular DC, some say can give you protein overload. I have heard of it but never experienced it because I use plenty of moisture only products. But, Why this one? Why not a light protein? I found my hair feeling like it was in between limp and strong in some areas, no one wants hair that is on the fence.  Its not actually Mayonnaise, it’s a lot of protein in it and it gives it the needed boost for strength for maintaining healthy strands. My experience was about the same with any DC, a little goes a long way, I found that out the hard way while washing my shower comb from the DC.
It is potent so if you use heat, which I always do,  use it for a shorter time to DC with it. It has slip, which I like more cause when you have slip, it allows your hair to just be easily manipulated without breakage or damage. 

Happy Hair Adventures


Monthly Goal: May...

Since last month was pretty much inconsistent for me I need to raise my consistency again. This month will be very busy for me, I'll keep my goals short and sweet this time around.

Here are my goals for May:

1. Moisturize and Seal once at night, no matter what.
2. Sleep in Satin Bonnet.
3. DC 2 times a week
4. Educational Research: Vegetable Glycerin 

I'm currently 9 weeks post relaxer and I'm seriously thinking that I should not stretch any further than 9 weeks at this time, I'm scared to go beyond it really I am. I hope to get my  Gro Aut post up soon.

Happy Hair Adventures

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monthly recap...

While its been a minute since I posted something about my hair adventures. I have to get business out of the way first. Here goes the April goals revealed:

1. Moisturize and Seal every other day (here's that modification I was talking about)

I did the modifcation but it left my hair wanting more than a little bit, I noticed that I am also heavy handed with the ORS-HL (organic root stimulator Hair Lotion) and stingy on the coconut oil. I some how have to find a nice balance between the two, but none the less I met the goal, it just didn't work for me.

2. Take fish oil and multi vitamin once a day. I slacked off a lot this last month.

I was happy about this goal, I met it! Taking this supplement not only made my hair shine but I lost 2 lbs while taking it :)

3. Co-wash twice a week. I met this last month because of my exercise schedule

I was not consistent with this goal, I exercised on average twice a week but ignored my hair for co-washing, honestly I was just too tired after my workout's and taking care of my daughter, so this was a goal I didn't meet.

4. Add in Growth Aid. I picked Gro Aut. I ordered some last month to test and see if it will speed up my growth.

Gro Aut was a success, I have another post for this, in general as of now I met this goal and I excited to write another post about it :)

So with the April hair goals out of the way I will be posting my new goals for the month of May, I will more than likely repeat one of these as I think that it has helped me with my maintenance of my hair and keeping my regimen strong. Goal length for me this year is APL, arm pit length. Currently I am at CBL/SL (collar bone length/ Shoulder length) which was my first goal, so I'm aiming high for a length I have never been in my whole relaxed hair life, why should I just be confined to chin length, ear length or shoulder length hair. Hey, I want health hair too!!!

Happy Hair Adventures 

xoxox Chelleshock32